A decisive factor playing in KONE’s favor was its superior
track record in eco-efficiency. “We were able to provide the
best solutions for BREEAM certification, including the latest
energy-saving technology and thorough eco-calculations
as well as data for every elevator,” says KONE installation
Endre Sarlós
Green to the last detail
KONE’s ability to provide a tailored visual solution was
another strong asset in its favor. The club colors are
highlighted in the color scheme of the elevators, featuring
one-of-a-kind evergreen operating panels with white dot
matrix displays.
The installation process required special attention, especially
due to the aesthetic requirements of the panoramic elevator
“We had six service technicians working on the site
continuously in close cooperation with the customer and
industry specialists. The difficulties we encountered were
resolved smoothly and the entire job was completed in less
than four months,” says Sarlós.
“The progress of the project was monitored carefully from
tender stage to project completion. This is definitely one of
this year’s outstanding references for KONE in Hungary,”
adds Soha.
Groupama Arena is home to Ferencvárosi TC,
one of Hungary’s oldest and most popular soccer
teams. Guarding the entrance is a bronze eagle
clutching a soccer ball, symbolizing the passion
for the sport shared by the fans who cheer on their
home squad. Now they have double reason to be
proud: their stadium is the greenest in Hungary,
with the club’s signature colors displayed in every
detail right down to the elevator operating panels.
With seating for 23,700 fans, the stadium is expected to bring
an increase of 10,000 spectators per match. Housing
a museum, fan shop and restaurant, the multi-purpose
venue will host matches of the Hungarian national football
team as well as conferences and cultural events.
Change in game plan
With thousands filling the stadium during peak usage,
efficient elevators are critical for moving the masses.
The general contractor, Market Építo Zrt., insisted on
continuing its long-standing partnership with KONE,
even though the elevators were initially planned by
another elevator supplier. The last-minute switch posed
a challenge for KONE, as all documentation had to be
resubmitted and reapproved in double time.
“We already had a trusted relationship with the contractor
based on previous successful projects,” says KONE sales
Rudolf Soha